After a fashion model dies during an abortion, people linked to her modeling agency start to die at the hands of a heavy-breathing killer dressed in black leather.
This is a paint-by-numbers giallo, with plenty of blood, boobs, red herrings, and scenery-chewing over-acting. The male lead is incredibly creepy, and incredibly lacking in self-awareness; the female lead, played by Edwige Fenech, is smart and savvy except in her choice of romantic partner (see above creepy male lead). It teeters on the precipice of being a sex farce, but manages some moments of real tension (as when Magda is alone in the photography studio). It’s not a great introduction to giallo–“Tenebre” and “Torso” are better movies, and better representatives of unhinged Italian slasher gems–but it’s definitely a much-watch for fans.